Glacial Cooling Visor Blue

Product# CB98409-CB106

Minimum Qty: 100

Product # CB98409-CB106
Features Lightweight super absorbent material. Works without chemicals or crystals. Immerse or run under tap water for several minutes. Imprinted on vinyl zipped pouch packaging. Can be reused up to 300 times.

1. One color, one location Silk Screen imprint.

2. Imprint Color Options Available - Black, Blue, Navy Blue, Process Blue, Reflex Blue, Royal Blue, Burgundy, Cool Gray, Green, Dark Green, Red, Rubine Red, Warm Red, Teal, Violet, White, Yellow, Yellow Gold

3. Item Colors Available - Blue

Prices Include

Free Set Up

One Imprint Color Free

Dimensions 7" x 3" visor
Imprint Area 4-1/2" x 4-1/2"

  Product Price
Cost/Quantity 100 250 500 1000 2000
Cost on P $20.21 $19.87 $19.55 $19.22 $18.92

Production Time Charges
Quantity 10 Days 7 Days 5 Days
100-249 $98.44 $142.30 $168.72
250-499 $103.32 $154.72 $194.80
500-999 $119.96 $170.04 $214.18
1000-1999 $163.18 $234.78 $278.40
2000 $200.00 $250.00 $300.00
Shipping Time Charges
Quantity 4 Days 3 Days
100-249 Free $194.80
250-499 Free $214.18
500-999 Free $278.40
1000-1999 Free $299.98
2000 Free $375.00
**All shipping and production charges are on NET